paintings and mixed media art
sonntags auf dem zuckerwattenwolkenteppich (2022) (sundays on a cloud carpet made of sugar cotton)
debris of a once deep love (2022)
venus on lido beach (2022)
let's be mermaids (2022)
fussmarsch durch den zürcher hauptbahnhof (2022) (foot march through zurich main station)
finding leftovers but craving pizza (2021)
winterspaziergang auf dem sankt moritzersee (2022) (winter walk on lake saint moritz)
random zen mode (2021)
christmas morning in the bathroom (2021)
i remember, therefore i am (2022)
traum vom zaubernebel ngc7380 (2022) (dream of wizard nebula ngc7380)
weischno ide 90er? (2022) (do you remember, back in the 90s?)
candy-coloured anticipation (2022)